

" Aku,

Bukanlah seorang penyanyi yang bisa menuturkan kata dengan menyanyi,

Bukan jua seorang komposer yang punyai abiliti utk menyuarakan isi hati,

Bukan seorang pelukis handalan yang punyai bakat yg mampu melakar sebuah lukisan tersirat,

Hanya punyai ayat dan tulisan, untuk ditulis, dibaca dan ditatap.

May Allah bless. "

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tangisan Itu


I'm juz back from Kota Bharu (KB), went for a little shopping and sending back my friend's netbook. Hanging around with friends was very fun but, deep in my heart,having shopping with my own family was the most great things. I miss that moments. Really miss it. :'(. Tersangat sedih mengingati yang lepas. Yang pahit kelak akan ditelan utk menikmati manis, bukan? Jadi, aku cekalkan hati, eat all the bitter tins to feel the sweet in it. cause everything in this world happens for reasons. So, just go on, and keep the smile on the face. Never turning back, but keep the past as a catalyst for u to stay strong in the future. InsyaAllah.

' Verily therein is indeed a reminder for him who has a heart or gives ear while he is heedful.' ~Qaaf [50:37]

And the storm come again when I'm log in FB. Ya Allah, what's this? Is that the test that You gonna me face? To prove that I was a grateful servant? InsyaAllah, I will face it. Even with a tears by my side. Even I'm alone. But please, I'm weak servant. I couldn't face it without you by my side.

Deep in here (heart) is hurting and even bleeding. Waiting to be seal by someone that Allah might send if I'm still have a chance to stay breathe on this land. InsyaAllah.

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