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Seorang adik, mengemukakan soalan kepada saya,
1. Studytips untuk subject sciences like Addmath, Physics, Biology and chemistry.
2. Macam mana nak rajin study, sedangkan SPM dah nak dekat.
3. Adik Comel (nama samaran) minat sangat medic, tapi adik dengar, budak medic ni takde life, takde masa dengan family. Betul ke akak?
الحمد لله نستعينه ونستغفره، ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيّئات أعمالنا، من يهده الله فلا مضلّ له، ومن يضلل فلا هادي له، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، وأشهد أنّ محمدا عبده ورسوله
Alhamdulillah diberi kesempatan dalam kesibukan amanah sebagai seorang pelajar, yang berhempas pulas untuk peperiksaan tempoh hari.
Selepas down failed satu module, semalam dengan gembira keluar dari exam hall meskipun rasa nak merangkak balik rumah.
Sampai ada senior tanya, " Okay tak exam? " sebab muka macam nak bunuh orang. Last-last terpaksa ponteng MDT session sbb dah severe sampai takleh bangun.
Okay finished.
Back to soalan adik tadi, Nazual macam hmm kejap. How to put these to simple words where everyone understand and benefits it, inshaAllah.
1. Untuk study tips, Nazual cadangkan buat test untuk tahu which learning style mana suits you the best. Commonly, kita akan tiga main method of study:
This is the basic skills which everyone be aware of, so go for this test, online or jumpa kaunselor untuk tahu the best style for you study skills.
Okay, kat sini ada satu website untuk korang test, learning style korang: Learning Style Test
Untuk Nazual, I am Visual/Kinestatic Learner.
Which means, duk dalam kelas, dengar je lectures, is not WORKING for me. As soon I realised my learning styles, I changed a lot of things like instead of just listening, I will write down notes/mindmap the learning outcomes of that particular lectures.
If you are a visual learner, you learn by reading or seeing pictures. You understand and remember things by sight. You can picture what you are learning in your head, and you learn best by using methods that are primarily visual. You like to see what you are learning.
As a visual learner, you are usually neat and clean. You often close your eyes to visualize or remember something, and you will find something to watch if you become bored. You may have difficulty with spoken directions and may be easily distracted by sounds. You are attracted to color and to spoken language (like stories) that is rich in imagery.
Here are some things that visual learners like you can do to learn better:
- Sit near the front of the classroom. (It won't mean you're the teacher's pet!
- Have your eyesight checked on a regular basis.
- Use flashcards to learn new words.
- Try to visualize things that you hear or things that are read to you.
- Write down key words, ideas, or instructions.
- Draw pictures to help explain new concepts and then explain the pictures.
- Color code things.
- Avoid distractions during study times.
Remember that you need to see things, not just hear things, to learn well.
If you are a tactile learner, you learn by touching and doing. You understand and remember things through physical movement. You are a "hands-on" learner who prefers to touch, move, build, or draw what you learn, and you tend to learn better when some type of physical activity is involved. You need to be active and take frequent breaks, you often speak with your hands and with gestures, and you may have difficulty sitting still.
As a tactile learner, you like to take things apart and put things together, and you tend to find reasons to tinker or move around when you become bored. You may be very well coordinated and have good athletic ability. You can easily remember things that were done but may have difficulty remembering what you saw or heard in the process. You often communicate by touching, and you appreciate physically expressed forms of encouragement, such as a pat on the back.
Here are some things that tactile learners like you can do to learn better:
Remember that you learn best by doing, not just by reading, seeing, or hearing.
- Participate in activities that involve touching, building, moving, or drawing.
- Do lots of hands-on activities like completing art projects, taking walks, or acting out stories.
- It's OK to chew gum, walk around, or rock in a chair while reading or studying.
- Use flashcards and arrange them in groups to show relationships between ideas.
- Trace words with your finger to learn spelling (finger spelling).
- Take frequent breaks during reading or studying periods (frequent, but not long).
- It's OK to tap a pencil, shake your foot, or hold on to something while learning.
- Use a computer to reinforce learning through the sense of touch.
Ini adalah example seorang Nazual.
Specifically, once you know your learning styles, work out on how you can use your style in maximise your study.
To be honest, setiap insan telah Allah jadikan berbeza antara satu sama lain, samada physical mahupun mentally. Jangan main copy paste manusia/idola-idola/role model yang anda rasa sesuai sedangkan learning styles mereka berbeza dengan anda.
Tapi, sebagai seorang yang tak begitu genius, Nazual boleh a bit of tips macam nak kuasai subjek-subjek sains.
Nazual secara jujurnya bukanlah pelajar yang cemerlang, segala nikmat results yang dikatakan hebat adalah nikmat dari Allah semata-mata melalui rahmatNya dan doa orang sekeliling, termasuklah parents and cikgu-cikgu.
- this is my favourite subject back in school, I used to failed Addmath for the last exam Form 4, dahlah masuk ranking SBP, menangis tak berlagu tapi cikgu Addmath dengan clear-nya cakap kat Nazual " Saya tak akan luluskan awak."
- faham konsep dan prinsip in every subtopics.
- practice and practice. Banyakkan bertanya kepada cikgu-cikgu or your friends yang faham and terer Addmath, especially bank soalan Past Years papers @ soalan trial SBP/MARA. memang sangat membantu.
- JANGAN PERNAH MALU untuk bertanya, nanti takde orang ingatnya awk tanya soalan mcm org bodoh, cause you will be excel in your study
- subjek yang paling tak digemari, walaupun tak pernah failed masa SPM, tapi masa Alevel, subjek ni lah paling teruk markahnya T____T
- lebih kurang sama macam AddMath, cuma kena banyak reading and buat nota ringkas based on apa yang kita faham
- buat banyak soalan, refer to your friends and cikgu-cikgu kalau ada concept yang kita tak faham.
- and suka untuk Nazual highlight, siapa kata budak medic tak perlu belajar physics, YOU NEED IT to understand physiology better
- banyak-kan membaca dan tulis nota based on apa yang kita faham
- what I did before, I read textbooks and a few reference books, which to expand more knowledge so I could grab the core of learning outcomes
- Nazual tak galakkan hafal sebijik-bijik, faham objektif pembelajaran then cuba kait-kan antara satu sama lain. So at the end this process, kenal pasti apa yang patut kita faham dan jelas.
- try test diri sendiri dengan soalan2 lazim, sampai satu tahap, you can definitely answer it without referring to textbooks.
2. Macam mana nak rajin study?
Allahu, sejujurnya, akak ni takdelah rajin sangat study. Banyak tidur dengan main-main sebenarnya ( Astaghfirullah)
1.Planning and counting days. Antara salah sebab kita jadi malas, bila kita tak rasa pressure. So bila kita buat headcount days and planning for each day, kita akan nampak and rasa betapa kita sebenarnya kesuntukan masa. Plus, planning sangat membantu untuk kita balance antara study dan kerja-kerja persatuan ataupun kerja-kerja tarbiyah.
2. This is what I did whenever I start being lazy and reluctant to study, banyakkan membaca bahan-bahan tarbiyah untuk meniup kembali semangat-semangat kemalasan, kadang-kadang Nazual baca sirah-sirah para sahabiyah, and reflect it upon myself, sedangkan para sahabat yang dijanjikan syurga, diaorang still ongoing mencari pahala untuk ke syurga. Sedangkan kita, dah lah tak dijamin syurga, memang clear banyak buat kerja melagha, still rasa malas untuk study? Not to mention kerja-kerja dakwah & tarbiyah.
3. Budak medic takde life? Eh?3. Kadang-kadang kita bukan rasa malas, tapi just nak rehat. Go and get a rest! Buat apa-apa aktiviti yang berfaedah like jogging, baca buku, main sports. Anything as long it can benefit you and increase your stamina/knowledge.
Up to now, Nazual still wondering, apa sebenarnya yang dimaksudkan dengan takde life? Cause I enjoying medicine so much, which even I ever been ask again, I definitely choose Medicine.
Buatlah course apa-pun, you definitely will be busy and sometimes not even have time to enjoy yourselves, but as I mentioned before, planning does help a lot.
And know where to prioritise stuffs.
Bahagi masa dan prioritise apa yang penting dalam urusan yang penting.
And one more, kalau adik-adik rasa interested sangat dengan medicine, dan memang nak further your degree in MBBS, akak galakkan adik-adik banyak-kan membaca. Tanamkan minat untuk membaca dan ada kemahuan untuk mencari sebanyak mungkin ilmu, bukan untuk dibanggakan tapi untuk melahirkan rasa rendah diri dalam hati serta membantu kita untuk menjadi seorang Muslim yang sejati.
Setakat ini sahaja mampu mencoretkan jawapan.
Sesungguhnya yang baik itu datang dari Allah SWT,
dan yang buruk itu datang dari kelemahan Nazual sendiri.
Jazakallahu khair.
Nazual Zulkepli
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