

" Aku,

Bukanlah seorang penyanyi yang bisa menuturkan kata dengan menyanyi,

Bukan jua seorang komposer yang punyai abiliti utk menyuarakan isi hati,

Bukan seorang pelukis handalan yang punyai bakat yg mampu melakar sebuah lukisan tersirat,

Hanya punyai ayat dan tulisan, untuk ditulis, dibaca dan ditatap.

May Allah bless. "

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Happiness Is A Decision

"To be happy or not, is a personal issue.Even the ruler of that country is not responsible for it. Happiness is not something can be given by someone.It's your own life. To live with your own decisions. You are responsible for yourself.How unfortunate and unfair that may seen. And there are times when there are no choices at all. But when survival is the main concern everyday, there won't be any happiness or unhappiness to speak of anymore. If it's a natural disaster, we'll just have to accept it.But there are also disasters caused by men. Well, if it's man-made, it can be prevented, isn't it so? " - Lady Shureei

Depression is the scariest things happened to me, as medical student yet learning about it is like telling 'it' the cure making it more difficult to be treated. So, here, Alhamdulillah even still fighting for it, I would suggest a few things in hope this could help anyone facing it.

Seperti sediakala, permulaan dalam setiap penulisan.

Sesungguhnya saya bukanlah orang yang layak untuk memberi atau menasihati mereka-mereka yang sedang bertarung dalam perjuangan untuk menang dengan 'kemurungan' ini. Sekadar berkongsi, what's dos and don'ts andaikata, anyone around your surrounding is fighting over it.

Apa itu depression?

"Mood is a subjective emotional state, and fluctuations in mood are expected, especially in response to the joys and sorrows of everyday life. Mood disorders, however, extend beyond these common emotional variations. Patients with mood disorders often present with impairment in functioning, often severe and with threats to life that include suicide, profound self-neglect, and impaired judgment. They are also associated with impaired physical, social, and family functioning as well as with psychological and physical pain and a negative perception of physical health. Patients with mood disorders are most often seen in general medical settings, including the emergency department (ED), often in crisis. One fourth to one third of ED patients screen positive for mood disorders. 

1.Boudreaux ED, Clark S, and Camargo CA: Mood disorder screening among adult emergency department patients: A multicenter study of prevalence, associations and interest in treatment. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2008; 30: pp. 4-13

Bilamana awak nampak someone or even notice that somebody behave differently from usually that extra-ordinary than others.
Biasanya orang yang depressed, akan ada attempt to suicide atau neglect keperluan diri ( like mandi, makan and everything yang penting for life survival). It does look like she/he lost interest in surviving and hoping for death, dengan satu tujuan, untuk ease the pain.
What pain?
The loneliness and suffering of depression.

Masyarakat kita suka, highlight orang yang ada masalah mental depression ni orang gila.

Lidah berbicara ibarat meludah ke langit.
Makin berkata-kata, semakin menampakkan cetek-nya ilmu.

Hakikatnya, kita manusia yang banyak kelemahan.
Tiada seorang pun terus lahir ke bumi ini dalam keadaan serba serbi sempurna.
Bahkan dari segi pengurusan diri, mahupun ilmu.
It's process of step by step.

Okay, back to the topic, what should I do?

1. Baca al Quran

Tapi, kalau baca tapi tak rasa apa-apa macam mana? Based on previous experiences, just continue. Keep read and read and read. Even rasa macam batu sekalipun masa baca al Quran, just continue and continue until once, Allah will ease it for you.
Allah akan jentik satu perasaan where awak tak akan mampu rasa kat mana-mana atau anything you do. That peace, that feeling of soothing, is no where to be found except from Him.

2. Tahajud

Masa mula-mula start to suffer from depression which years ago, right after I lost my youngest brother, consecutively with my parents' divorce and the death of closed one.
Masa tu, the only came is advice from my ustazah, back in high school,

" Kekuatan seorang Muslim terletak tahajudnya. "
So everynight, I tried as much as possible to perform tahajud. Even rasa stuffy sebab rasa macam robot, solat tanpa hadirnya cinta.
But then, I would never give up.
I wouldn't never ever give in to this depression, I fight and asked from Him, allow me a bit of strength to fight it.

and alhamdulillah, kekuatan yang diberi, bukan untuk melawan depression masa tu, tapi it eventually help me during my struggle in ALevels.
My fight to get a scholarship, over my failure in academic performance.

By hook, everything belongs to Him.
Jangan pernah berhenti meminta.

3. Parent's blessing.

Especially your mum.
Always and always minta maaf for everything and minta doakan dilimpahkan rahmat dunia dan akhirat. Sebab doa ibu tu, is most amazing dua's.
What she said, even a single word, means thousand for us.

4. Go enjoy the green park or tepi pantai.

Go somewhere within your hands, tepi pantai ke, makan kat cafe ke, or even go for shopping. Anything that make you feels better.
If I, I would love to go to hospital.

Jikalau ingin menjadi yang bersyukur,
Lihatlah orang yang lebih memerlukan,
Jikalau ingin menjadi yang berjaya,
Lihatlah orang yang berkehadapan.

Setakat itu sahaja yang mampu ditutur buat masa sekarang,
Semoga kalian semua dilimpahi rahmat dan barakah Allah, dunia dan akhirat.
Akhir kata,
Semoga yang menulis lagi memahami dari yang membaca.

Nazual Zulkepli
Arbour Hill.

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