

" Aku,

Bukanlah seorang penyanyi yang bisa menuturkan kata dengan menyanyi,

Bukan jua seorang komposer yang punyai abiliti utk menyuarakan isi hati,

Bukan seorang pelukis handalan yang punyai bakat yg mampu melakar sebuah lukisan tersirat,

Hanya punyai ayat dan tulisan, untuk ditulis, dibaca dan ditatap.

May Allah bless. "

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Great Visit : CFSIIUM

Regards to all readers.
Assalamualaikum and peace upon you all.
May Allah bring something made you smile along the day. insyaAllah.
Barakallah, another chance given by Him for me. in finding the true path of my own life. finding Him as my lover. Subhanallah. This world seems too beautiful to be say in a word. seriously!!!

I feel closer to Him. and I find the peace that I want, with an extra gift but still in debating either it's good or bad. Haha.

In finding the peace, I plan to visit CFSIIUM. Alhamdulillah, my journey had been blessed by Him. there's no any things that stop me during the journey. Alhamdulillah.

Arrived at the guardhouse, of course the first things I'm thinking, " Haiyaaa....nanti kalau guard tanya matrix card, ape aku goreng nihhhh??" Haha. But Lala ask me to keep walking. With full of excitement, I'm just walk by the road like a boss. Haha. From the gate, I could feel the fresh aura from this blessed institution. Subhanallah, I feel so peaceful even too tired for the journey. Mahallah Khadijah. the biggest Mahallah in here. Waaahhhh....like the old days in hostel. ayoyoyooo, back to hostel's life? nanananana. but the real is, I miss the moment. The most enjoyable things is living in hostel!!!!!!!! I miss Lala and Husna. huhu. actually, i miss all E5. :D  Here the bonus. tapi tak jadi bonus. -.-"

Ada orang tu cakap nak belanja, tapi tak taula...lalalalalalaa..hikhik, gurau2.

Couple of night in CFSIIUM, seriously, such a very great moment for me. thanks to all. especially Lala and Husna serta their roomates. Thanks a lot. I'm like that. once meet E5, nonstop talking and babbling.  Haha. To all E5, I do miss you all so much!

and there's a moment where I find too hard to say Bye.Bye. Masuk dlm komuter pun, these tears couldn't stop falling. Siap pergi kolej, study bagai. and then, it burst in front of my classmates. Sungguh tak tahan. menyesal tak ada gunanya Nazual. Redhalah. takdir Allah tu semuanya baik-baik. Redhalah. bila sense of belongings anda berada di tempat lain, jasad anda di tempat lain, it's what I feel. inilah akibat memekakkan telinga dri mendengar kata hati. dh byk kali solat, mmg dh terlekat kat uia, yg pi pilih Taylor tu kejadah? And syukran ya Rabb, for these friends. that you have sent. they're too kind. :'). *all of sudden mata dh basah* seriously, its too touching. terharu sampai biruuuu...:D

p/s: now, I'm back to my old self. I will smile and smile to show how grateful I'm towards Him. Nikmat-Mu tak terkira wahai pencipta Alam. :) keep smiling and smiling. but deep in this tiny heart I miss uia. can I pay a visit again?and seriously, i do miss u ;) good luck final and do pay a visit to subang.

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