Allahumma yassir wala tu'assir. Rabbi tammim bilkhoir.
Kesibukan melanda diri, hampir mendemankan diri setelah memaksa diri untuk stay up, study as finals around the corner.
It wasn't that easy to be a medical student.
And today, we were having one of the toughest module for this sem. Its really tiring.
Nazu sampai tahap minum red bull utk stay awake, cause I seriously couldn't digest this neuro stuffs and the pharmacology *menangis*.
I don't the reasons but whenever I have exams, I would start to have lot of ideas for my short stories and even thread for the blog. Maybe after this, I should pretend everyday is exam day. Dapat buat revision in such short time plus extra extra masa ni lah rajin nak berhafazan, rajin nak layan tarbiyah sentap, nak baca bahan tarbiah and even learn history of Sahabah.
Make everything in one shot.
Dan hari ini, selepas bertahun, specifically three years. Akhirnya berjaya menghabiskan buku topseller Ustaz Hasrizal, " Aku Terima Nikahnya".
Reaksi semua orang bila tahu yang Nazu tengah baca buku ni,
" Tak sangka, kau baca juga eh buku-buku macam ni."
" Eh, dah excited nak kahwin ke?"
" Gatalnya you ni, dalam banyak-banyak buku, kenapa you interested nak baca pasal kahwin?"
Sampai bila Melayu nak maju, sorry highlight, sampai bila Melayu-Islam nak maju kalau suka remeh-temehkan soal ni.
Soal apa? Kahwin?
Tak. Bukan soal kahwin.
1. Don't judge the books by its cover. We always phrase this when people judge on something, or even people.
Tapi pernah faham ke apa yang dimaksudkan dengan phrase tu?
Yes I know, lafaz Aku Terima Nikahnya tu sangat memberi expression that book will focus on marriage and stuffs. Yes it did, but not those sweet stuffs.
Even certain people yang ikut tarbiah, soal kahwin sangat taboo. Katanya melalaikan kalau duk pikiq sangat.
Like I always said, different people have different perspective towards an issue. Different people have different interpretation. What would I suggest is go and read this book.
Lihatlah sesuatu dari sudut kacamata, or contact lens (whatever) based on alQuran dan sunah. Don't easily interpret everything based on YOUR EXPERIENCE or WHAT YOU THINK. Cause I used to have this mindset on marriage.
Before this, I would take a marriage as like a prison. Oppress everything especially to women.
But Allah said it differently.
Don't easily jump into conclusion. Learn it, and understand it. Then talk on it.
So buku ni actually emphasise more on our duty as the Muslim, not specifically in marriage je. In everything. Its worth to read.
2. Marriage itself. Yes, so what's wrong if I read buku nikah? Berdosa ke? Melalaikan ke?
Taboo ke if I too emphasise on marriage?
Cause I came from broken family, I have this negative perception towards marriage, how depressive I been back in the past. But I not the one that will just accept the things without read and learn of it.
Betapa pengalaman sendiri sangat sempit, dan hanyalah pendek tempohnya berbanding dengan apa yang Allah describe dalam alQuran. berbanding dengan apa yang diajar Rasulullah SAW.
Just to informed, getting married doesn't promised you a bed of roses, only the beauty and sweetness.
Berkahwin bukan sekadar atas suka sama suka, kononnya cinta teragung.
Ketahuilah, cinta teragung itu hanya untuk Allah.
Ketahuilah, kahwin tu soal taqwa. Soal melengkapkan agama dalam diri sendiri.
Do you think Allah create Hawa from Adam as just for accompany him?
Nazu suka bila Ustaz Hasrizal highlightkan hubungkait antara kahwin dan taqwa.
1. Nabi Ibrahim. Hamba yang soleh bahkan tergolong dalam kalangan para nabi, tapi isterinya? Kufur dan akhirnya dijanjikan ke neraka kerana enggan dan ego.
2. Firaun dan Asiyah. Refer dalam alQuran, betapa Allah dengan jelas bercerita mengenai kezaliman dan kefakiran seorang manusia bernama Firaun tapi isterinya seorang hamba yang tawaduk.
3. Kisah Abu Lahab dan isterinya. Sama-sama jahiliyah, sama-sama derhaka kepada Allah. Kononya bersama selamanya di dunia, bahkan kelak akan bersama ke dalam neraka kelak.
4. Kisah Rasulullah SAW dan Khadijah. Walau serba kekurangan, walau dihalangi pelbagai cubaan dan rintangan, tetap bersama menegakkan panji Islam. Sweet kan?
Apa yang Nazu dapat?
There is no guarantee for those who are married, will be having such a fairytale ending in their marriage. Some might be, but some might not even taste a single happiness.
Apa guna kalau sekadar bahagia di dunia tapi akhirat dikecam dan dibakar dalam neraka?
First of everything, define 'happiness'.
Define happiness in your own words, in your own interpretation.
and then check how actually al Quran define happiness.
Compare the differences in definition.
Some people think the only of happiness is a marriage.
Having somebody to take care of you, but indeed all of this time. The moment you being born to dunya, your mother take care of you with full of love.
Having somebody that could lean his shoulder/her lap for you in difficulty. Your mother wipe your tears ever since baby.
The most one is Allah take care of you ever since you are in your mother's womb. You have Allah to turn to in difficulty, well, it should not only during difficulty.
So kenapa kahwin baru bahagia?
Sila hempap kepala ke dinding, there might be something wrong with your frontal lobe, perhaps.
Why would talk on marriage is too taboo?
Because they thought marriage is only about romance.
They forgot to emphasise taqwa.
Allah Musta'an.
Jazakallahu khair khateera.
Nazual Zulkepli
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