Was listening to IKIM fm Online this evening.
Sambil berbual dengan housemate, tentang nikmat kesyukuran. Hari ini Ikim memulakan julung kali program 'Dari Hati', which is good incentive in reaching the public.
Terkejut mendengar perihal suatu kisah, memandangkan keputusan SPM baru sahaja di umumkan.
Terlebih dahulu, Nazual nak ucapkan congratulations to each of you guys. Alhamdulillah regardless your results is, you have proved that you make it and thus, learn the ibrah from it and keep moving forward.
Sedih sebenarnya bila orang berbicara mengenai keputusan cemerlang ni. Especially bila melibatkan orang Melayu tersendiri or generally Malaysians as part of Asian yang sangat particular pasal results.
Adik-adik yang dikasihi sekalian,
Ini sekadar cerita hati yang ingin akak sampaikan kepada kalian, mengenai kesyukuran dan keredhaan dalam sekeping kertas.
Mungkin ada yang akan berkata,
" Alaaa, akak mesti score time SPM, dah dapat fly ke overseas. Tak akan rasa sakit macam kitaorg sekarang. "
Tipu kalau tak terdetik sedemikian.
Yes.I scored 9A+ and 1A for my SPM.
I got bursary program and choose to study Cambridge ALevel in Taylors College.
I got all A in my Alevel and pursue in medicine.
Sounds great huh?
Let me tell you, honestly dari hati ke hati, semua tu nampak je hebat tapi sebenarnya means NOTHING.
I used to failed Addmath. Saya tak pernah dapat straight A when I was in high school. Saya bukan budak target untuk dapat results sedemikian.
Saya bukanlah budak genius yang ada kelebihan untuk prove yang saya ni pandai bijaksana.
I got that expression when I first when to medical school. Since I am not KMB students, and all of my classmates are from KMB. This what they think of me.
But I almost failed during my first sem in here.
I used to be advised, to drop one of the subject during Alevel. I failed that subject and never getting 'B' in the exam. Never.
Tahu tak masa tu sakit hati, kecewa dengan diri sendiri. I cried all night, reflecting my flaws in my studies skills etc.
Kecewa bila orang tak percaya yang kita boleh buat, cause we knew we could make it.
One thing I learned, never stop and just cried over it. Get your hands up and keep moving forward!
Adik-adik atau kawan-kawan, yang tengah kecewa dan berduka dengan results tak reach your target,
These certs means NOTHING IF, you just keep weeping over it. Past are past.
You tears wouldn't change it.
Learn from them, sesungguhnya hikmah terbaik dalam setiap kejadian yang terjadi dalam hidup kita adalah yang mendekatkan kita kepada Allah.
First, sujud syukur that Allah still give His blessing to you.
Cause Allah wouldn't test it w/o your own ability to pass through it.
It's super great that Allah believe in you than yourself.
Second, reflect all those things happened before.
Ada tak salah silap, hak-hak yang tak tertunai. Anything.
Usaha kita sama naik tak dengan kemahuan kita.
For example,
Kita nak makan spaghetti, pastu nak makan yang bolognese.
Tapi cara kita masak macam nak goreng telur mata kerbau.
Tak tally kan? Macam nak makan spaghetti bolognese kalau setakat masak cara telur goreng mata kerbau?
So dalam kes ni, kita usaha sekadar untuk lulus. Time prep tidur, kerja sekolah tak pernah siap. Bila tak faham, malas nak tanya cikgu or kawan-kawan. Buku reference pun jarang buka, tapi kita expect results excellent.
Masa Nazual failed addmaths, Nazual terus usaha untuk cari jalan untuk fahamkan diri dengan subjek tu. Pergi tuisyen, study sampai rasa nak termuntah.
Same goes to during Alevel, I struggle a lot. Baca buku reference yang tebal beratus muka surat tu. Bawa ke hulu ke hilir macam bawa gula 5kg tau. Refer my friends and lecturers.
Tebalkan muka sebab memang nampak bodoh tanya soalan simple macam tu. Buat past years banyak kali sampai rasa nak termuntah.
Yelah, kalau nak pergi tuisyen Alevel, kena berlapar berbulan kot. Tak mampu sebab satu kelas dah beratus.
And I prove it. Dengan iringan doa dan redha Allah dalam memberi kefahaman.
Third, plan your future carefully.
Plan ahead of time, detailed plan. Bila ada matlamat, kita akan tends to motivate ourselves towards that goals. Its either you work to make it real or just simply mimpi siang hari.
Adik-adik yang dikasihi,
Jangan bersedih, jangan salahkan diri. Move forward, live your life and work better than you did before. InshaAllah adik-adik boleh buat, bukan sebab akak kata tapi Allah dah cakap dalam alQuran.
Last but not least,
I am happy to help adik-adik incase you need help. Do contact me through pm my facebook, Nazual Zulkepli or just emailed me at azwal94@yahoo.com. InshaAllah I will try my best to help you.
Be grateful.
Cause what you achieve now is the right one from Allah.
Jazakallahu khair khateera.
Nazual Zulkepli
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